6 Reasons to Contact an Employment Lawyer Right Away

There are many scenarios in the workplace that may not result in a positive outcome for an employee. That’s why some situations require you to contact an employment lawyer to ensure your rights are protected. Below are six situations in which getting help is a wise decision.

1. Unfair Treatment at Work

Sometimes what happens in the workplace can be frustrating, especially when it results in unfair treatment that impacts you financially. There are situations in which a supervisor is biased and makes decisions concerning employees accordingly. If you have been negatively impacted by unfair treatment, it can help to speak with an employment lawyer. Check out the Levitt LLP website if you want to learn more.

2. Wrongfully Terminated

If you have been terminated and the reasons given don’t quite make sense or line up with what occurred, a lawyer can help. Wrongful termination will require you to understand the law and any agreements regarding your employment. A lawyer can help to sort out the details and provide direction.

3. Offered a Severance Package

If you have been offered a severance package during the process of separating from employment, having a lawyer can help you determine if the package is adequate. There’s a possibility that what is being offered isn’t sufficient. A lawyer can recommend any adjustments and guide you through the process. This can result in a significant increase in the overall value of the severance package.

4. Experienced a Workplace Injury

Getting injured at work can have long-term consequences. If you don’t know your rights, there’s a chance that you will be negatively impacted for many years to come. An employment lawyer can assess the situation and provide guidance on what must happen to ensure your rights are protected.

5. Get Help with an Employment Contract

If you have received an offer an employment and a contract has been issued, it’s worth your time to contact a lawyer to see if anything is missing or should not be included. An employment contract is usually written with a focus on the employer’s best interest. A lawyer can assess whether anything needs to be added or removed.

6. Employer’s Failure to Fulfill an Agreement

If you have an agreement with an employer and the fail to satisfy the terms of that agreement, a lawyer can help you obtain what is rightfully yours. Whether it’s not receiving the pay promised or not allowing you to take breaks in accordance with the law, you will need to get help from someone familiar with regulations. Keep in mind that an employer will not always have your best interest in mind.

These are all reasons to contact an employment lawyer to ensure you receive what is rightfully yours.

Sandra is the Head Writer at Boldface News. A huge animal lover, she's a proud mother to two rescue dogs and one fiercely independent cat. Her hobbies include reading, writing, cooking, knitting, and dancing like nobody is watching.
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